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Sexual Abuse

The History of Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April 2021 is the 20th official anniversary of Sexual Assault Awareness Month in the United States. For years before its declaration, advocates have fought to increase awareness of sexual assault, abuse, and harassment in order to prevent and end sexual violence. The history of Sexual Assault Awareness Month has deep roots in
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Important Sexual Assault Statistics To Know

Sexual assault occurs when one person makes sexual contact with another without his or her consent. A vastly underreported crime, sexual assault affects millions of Americans each year. If you or a loved one have experienced sexual assault, you are not alone—and the following statistics can help you better understand this act
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Common Feelings of Sexual Assault Survivors

Sexual assault is a traumatic experience and can manifest in physical, emotional, and behavioral changes. If you are a survivor of sexual assault, it is important to remember that your emotions are valid and a normal response for the type of trauma you experience. There are certain emotions that many survivors experience
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What Are the 3 Types of Trauma?

Psychological trauma occurs after a person experiences an event that is extremely stressful, such as active combat, violent accidents, and incidents of sexual violence. While not everyone who experiences a stressful event will develop trauma, psychological damage is unfortunately common among survivors of sexual assault. There are several types of trauma a
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What Are the Types of Sexual Assault?

Sexual violence is an all-encompassing term that refers to any sexual activity that occurs without the consent of the victim. It can include acts of physical violence, such as sexual assault or abuse, as well as electronic harassment, inappropriate comments, and stalking. Sexual assault is one of the most common forms of
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What Are the Long-Term Effects of a Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault can impact your mind, body, and psychological well-being. Experiencing an assault can affect you for years after the event, leading to serious complications. Many survivors develop mental health conditions, severe reactions to triggering events, and unhealthy and dangerous coping mechanisms, among other adverse effects, following their assault. #1: Depression Depression
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How Art Can Help Sexual Assault Survivors

Creative expression is important, especially for sexual assault survivors. Studies show that art can be an effective tool for healing in mental health treatment programs, where art therapy is an important component in patients’ treatment regimens. For survivors of sexual assault, art creates a safe, healthy outlet to express emotions and process
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