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Sexual Abuse

10 Ways to Heal After Sexual Assault

Sexual assault can lead to significant emotional turmoil for months or even years following the act of violence. If you are a survivor, finding pathways to recovery can be a challenge — but with the right support and resources, healing is possible. There are many actions you can take to seek justice
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What Is the Role of a Sexual Assault Advocate?

In the aftermath of sexual violence, survivors need support. Enduring an act of sexual assault can lead to months and years of emotional turmoil, and support services are vital to ensure that survivors receive the care they need following the trauma. One important role in sexual violence resource organizations is the sexual
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How Can Telehealth Help Sexual Assault Victims?

With the spread of the novel coronavirus, many businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies are transitioning to online-based services. The rise of telehealth, or remote healthcare, may increase the accessibility of medical treatment for many people. Sexual assault survivors in particular may benefit from telehealth services, especially if they live in remote
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How to Stop Victim Blaming

Victim blaming is pervasive and harmful to survivors of sexual violence. This act occurs when someone blames a survivor for his or her own sexual assault, instead of rightfully placing the blame on the perpetrator of that act. Victim blaming can take many different forms, but it is the responsibility of advocates,
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What is a SART?

If you are a survivor of sexual assault, you may have heard the term SART while searching for support resources near you. SART stands for Sexual Assault Response Team, and this term often also accompanies SANE, which stands for Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. These professionals help provide care to sexual assault survivors
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The Long-Term Psychological Effects of Sexual Assault

Sexual assault can impact a survivor physically and emotionally. In fact, sexual violence survivors often experience significant psychological impacts, both in the short term and in the long term. These effects can lead to the development of unhealthy coping mechanisms, substance abuse, and mental illnesses such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety,
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What Privacy Rights Do Sexual Assault Victims Have?

In sexual assault cases, maintaining the confidentiality of survivors is incredibly important. Survivors need the time, space, and resources to recover from the assault, and if someone violates their trust, it can become even more difficult to begin the healing process. To protect survivors, there are certain privacy rights that prosecutors, advocates,
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What Is Common Evidence in a Sexual Assault Case?

Sexual assault cases, like all criminal cases, rely on evidence that proves that the perpetrator committed the act of violence. However, proving sexual assault cases can be difficult, since certain pieces of evidence common in other cases may not be present. As a result, prosecutors and law enforcement officers alike look for
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How to Make a Safety Plan

Sexual violence can occur anywhere and to anyone. Seeking help for assault can be difficult, and without proper planning, you may not know or have the opportunity to access the resources available to you. Creating a safety plan, or a course of action that you take to protect yourself in a dangerous
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