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Safety Tips

How to Stay Safe in Social Situations

Social situations such as parties, bar events, or dates can be dangerous without proper precautions. Many sexual assault survivors suffer this act of violence while spending time with friends or acquaintances, unaware of certain red flags and dangerous behaviors. While sexual assault is never the fault of the survivor, there are important
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How Art Can Help Sexual Assault Survivors

Creative expression is important, especially for sexual assault survivors. Studies show that art can be an effective tool for healing in mental health treatment programs, where art therapy is an important component in patients’ treatment regimens. For survivors of sexual assault, art creates a safe, healthy outlet to express emotions and process
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10 Ways to Heal After Sexual Assault

Sexual assault can lead to significant emotional turmoil for months or even years following the act of violence. If you are a survivor, finding pathways to recovery can be a challenge — but with the right support and resources, healing is possible. There are many actions you can take to seek justice
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Resources for Male Sexual Assault Survivors

Sexual assault is a crime that involves any type of unwanted sexual contact or activity without the consent of the victim. Anyone can experience sexual assault, regardless of sexual orientation, location, or gender identity. While many sexual assault survivors are women, men experience sexual assault at high rates — and often remain
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How Can Telehealth Help Sexual Assault Victims?

With the spread of the novel coronavirus, many businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies are transitioning to online-based services. The rise of telehealth, or remote healthcare, may increase the accessibility of medical treatment for many people. Sexual assault survivors in particular may benefit from telehealth services, especially if they live in remote
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What Is the Sexual Assault Survivors Rights Act?

Survivors often face severe ostracization while trying to seek justice against their perpetrators, from a fear of retaliation to victim blaming from authorities to painful experiences in the courtroom. However, the United States government adopted the Sexual Assault Survivors’ Rights Act of 2016 to help combat these issues. This public law protects
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What to Know About Date Rape Drugs

Perpetrators of sexual assault can use many tools to commit these acts of violence, including weapons, drugs, and alcohol. One method perpetrators use to make people vulnerable to assault is through the use of date rape drugs, such as rohypnol. These drugs are very dangerous, leading to lapses in consciousness and a
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